Franco, Bernard; Gáfrik, Róbert; Grishakova, Marina; Hutchinson, Ben; Juvan, Marko; Melmoux-Montaubin, Marie-Françoise; Sapiro, Gisèle, Saussy, Haun; Vojvodík, Josef (2024). The Current Role of Comparative Literature. Svět literatury/ World of Literature, XXXIV (69), 147−156.
Francesca Arnavas (2024). Uncanny Fairy Tales: Hybrid Wonders in the Mirror. Routledge.
Francesca Arnavas (2024). ’A mistery whose deepest folds were gathered around the dark oak cabinet’. Uncovering the Secrets of Phantastes. In: Naomi Segal, Anna Jamieson, James Brown (Ed.). The Cultural Construction of Hidden Spaces. Essays on Pockets, Pouches and Secret Drawers. (119−128). Brill Publishers . (Spatial Practices; 40). DOI: 10.1163/9789004694729_010.
Bellini, Mattia (2024). Narrative Strategies for Participation in Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’. Italian Studies, 79 (1), 100−101. DOI: 10.1080/00751634.2024.2333129.
Grishakova, Marina (2024). Complexity, Entropy, and Noise in Sciences and Art (Lotman, Prigogine, Serres). Subchapter in: Pier, John, Demian Battaglia, Marina Grishakova, Maria Poulaki, and Richard Walsh. Chance and Complexity in Narrative. In: Anne Duprat and Alison James (Ed.). Figures of Chance II. Chance in Theory and Practice. (67−77). London-New York: Routledge .
Arnavas, Francesca, Beltrami, Marzia (guest editors, 2023) Introduction to the special issue: Literary Fairy Tales and the Embodied Mind. Marvels & Tales 37 (2): 149-56.
Arnavas, Francesca (2023) Love, the Moon, and the Body: George MacDonald’s “The Light Princess” and “Little Daylight” as Reflections on the Embodied Mind. Marvels & Tales 37 (2): 198-216.
Beltrami, Marzia (2023) “Feeling Thought”: Exploring the Materiality of the Mind in A. S. Byatt’s Fairy Tales. Marvels & Tales 37 (2): 262-86.
Bellini, Mattia (2023) Fairy-Tale Bodies and Embodying the Fairy Tale in Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us. Marvels & Tales 37 (2): 287-302.
Arnavas, Francesca; Bellini, Mattia (2023). Miyazaki’s Hybrid Worlds and Their Riddle-Stories: Western Tropes and Kishōtenketsu. Narrative Works, 12 (1).
Beltrami, Marzia (2023). “Il complesso straniamento della fantascienza di Primo Levi: giochi di scala in “Una stella tranquilla” e “Visto di lontano” [“Primo Levi’s Science Fiction’s Complex Estrangement: Variation in Scale in “Una stella tranquilla” and “Visto di lontano”] Enthymema, vol. 33, pp. 8-25.
Arnavas, Francesca (2023). “A Simple Love Story in the Labyrinth of Time: The Impossible Quest of Destino”. Forgotten Disney. Eds. Kathy Merlock Jackson, Carl Sederholm and Mark West. McFarland & Co, 2023.
Beltrami, Marzia (2023). “Questione di embodiment. Esplorazioni immaginative del rapporto corpo-mente nella fantascienza di Primo Levi” [A Question of Embodiment: Imaginative Explorations of the Body-Mind Nexus in Primo Levi’s Science Fiction]. In: Battistini Lorenzo, Maria Di Maro, Lucia Faienza, Lorenzo Marchese (eds.) Letteratura e altre scienze. Incroci e sovrapposizioni. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, pp. 251-72.
Bellini, Mattia (2023) “Validating Video Games as Complex Artifacts” Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, 233–236.
Beltrami, Marzia (2023). “Italo Calvino’s Spatial Imagination: Between Intellectual Abstraction and Embodied Experience“. Italian Studies, vol. 78, n. 2, pp. 210-27.
Grishakova, Marina (2023). “Intermediality as a material practice and artistic event“. In: Thomas, Bronwen, Julia Round, and Astrid Ensslin (Ed.). Routledge Companion to Literary Media. (34-48). London-New York: Routledge.
Grishakova, Marina (2023). “Intermediality: Introducing Terminology and Approaches in the Field“. In: J. Bruhn, A.López-Varela, and M. de Paiva Vieira (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Springer Nature Living Reference Work. (1−17). Springer Link: Palgrave Macmillan.
Arnavas, Francesca (2023) “ ‘September didn’t know what sort of story she was in’: The Hybrid Genres of Uncanny Fairy Tales“. Journal of Narrative Theory, Volume 53, Number 2, pp. 217-24.
Kurr, Silvia (2023). “Towards Ecological Thinking Through Modal Changes: Weird Media Transformation in Lars von Trier’s Film Melancholia“. Ekphrasis. Images, Cinema, Theory, Media, 29 (1), 12−24.
Grishakova, Marina, Le Juez, Brigitte, Springer, Olga (eds.) (2023). “New Critical and Theoretical Approaches in Comparative Literature / Nouvelles approches critiques et théoriques en littérature comparée” . CompLit. Journal of European Literature, Arts and Society, n° 5.
Grishakova, Marina (2023) “When a whisper speaks volumes: Experimentation, error amplification, and the epistemology of fiction“. In: Marina Grishakova, Brigitte Le Juez, Olga Springer (eds.). CompLit. Journal of European Literature, Arts and Society, n° 5. p. 125-144.
Ostups, Artis (2023). “Forms of presence: experience of time in Inara Verzemnieks’ memoir Among the Living and the Dead: A Tale of Exile and Homecoming“. Prose Studies.
Nack, Frank; Louchart, Sandy; Lund, Kristine; Bellini, Mattia; Georgieva, Iva; Atmaja,
Pratama W.; Makai, Peter (2023) “INDCOR white paper 3: Interactive Digital Narratives and Interaction“
Perkis, Andrew; Bellini, Mattia; Nisi, Valentina; Reyes, Maria Cecilia; Sylla, Cristina; Santa, Mijalche; Zaluczkowska, Anna; Irshad, Shafaq; Bakk, Ágnes Karolina; Barnabé, Fanny; Barnard, Daniel; Boukhelifa, Nadia; Klungre, Øyvind Sørdal; Koenitz, Hartmut; Lombardo, Vincenzo; Palosaari Elahdhari, Mirjam; Prandi, Catia; Rettberg, Scott; Serbanescu, Anca; Sousa, Sonia; Stefaneas, Petros; Uzunov, Dimitar; Vosmeer, Mirjam; Wardaszko, Marcin (2023) “INDCOR white paper on the Design of Complexity IDNs“.
Barbara, Jonathan; Bellini, Mattia; Koenitz, Hartmut; Makai, Péter Kristóf; Sampatakou, Despoina; Irshad, Shafaq (2023). “The Sacra Infermeria – A Focus Group evaluation of an Augmented Reality Cultural Heritage Experience“. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. 1-29.
Ostups, Artis (2023). “Metonymy, Presence, and the Ethics of Imagination in Postmemorial Writing: Andra Manfelde’s Zemnīcas bērni and Katja Petrowskaja’s Maybe Esther“. Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 25.1: 124-141.
Arnavas, Francesca (2023). “The Shell in the Woods: Discussing the Unnatural through Uncanny Fairy Tales’ Mirror, Wonder and Hybridity”. Marvels & Tales, 36.2 (2023): 196-218.
Ostups, Artis (2022). “Secondary Witnessing and Narrative Erasure in Inga Gaile’s The Beautiful Ones“. Colloquia 50: 13-28.
Tzouva, Pinelopi (2022). “Cancer made me a shallower person: A minoritarian story in comics“. Frontiers of Narrative Studies, 8(2), 158-179.
Ostups, Artis (2022). “Metarefleksivitāte un modernisms Montas Kromas dzejā” (Metareflexivity and Modernism in Monta Kroma’s Poetry) in Monta Kroma: dzeja un refleksija (Monta Kroma: Poetry and Reflection). Editors Artis Ostups, Jānis Ozoliņš, and Kārlis Vērdiņš. Rīga: LU Literatūras, folkloras un mākslas institūts, 180-198.
Grishakova, Marina; Arnavas, Francesca; Beltrami, Marzia; Kurr, Silvia; Sorokin, Siim (2022). “Chronotopic imaginaries: A narrative approach to the letters from the post-pandemic future“. Futures, 142 (Article 102997).
Grishakova, Marina (2022). The Models of Space, Time and Vision in V. Nabokov’s Fiction: Narrative Strategies and Cultural Frames. 3d revised ed. Tartu: Tartu Semiotics Library. Further information at the page: https://www.kriso.ee/models-space-time-vision-v-nabokovs-db-9789949038305.html
Arnavas, Francesca (2022). “The Complexity of George MacDonald’s Fantastic Imagination: Classic Fairy Tale Princesses and New Fantasy Worlds”. Fantasy Art and Studies, 12.
Arnavas, Francesca (2022). Worldly Wonderlands: Alice-Inspired Places Across the Globe. In: Merlock Johnson, Kathy; West, Mark (Ed.). Childhood Narratives and the Places They Inspire. (101−116). McFarland & Co.
Sorokin, Siim (2022). The “In-Between Land” of Suspicion and Ambiguity: Plotting the MS Estonia Shipwreck. Humanities, 11 (4), 92.
Grishakova, Marina (2022). “The Fascination of Failure: On Predictability, Unpredictability and Postdictability in Art” in Puzzling Stories: The aesthetic appeal of cognitive challenge in literature & film. Editors M. Kiss, and S. Willemsen. Berghahn Books.
Grishakova, Marina (2022). “Perspectives on Causality in Sciences and Arts: On the Limits and Benefits of Narrative Representation,” in Routledge Companion to Narrative Theory. Editors M. Mäkelä, and P. Dawson, 423–432.
Bellini, Mattia (2022). “Interactive Digital Narratives as Complex Expressive Means“. Frontiers In Virtual Reality, 3.
Beltrami, Marzia (2021). “Fairy-Tale Strategies Revisited: Constraints as Sources of Creativity and Ethical Reflection in A.S. Byatt’s Fairy Stories”. Journal of the Short Story in English, 76, 75-97.
Francesca Arnavas (2021). ‘The Silver Glaze of the Mirror’: Fire and Ice in Byatt’s Fairy Tales. Journal of the Short Story in English, 76, 99−118.
Arnavas, Francesca (2021). “‘Feeling a little Giddy’: Nonsensical Emotions and the Body in Lewis Carroll’s Alice Books”. Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature, 75−88.
Tzouva, Pinelopi (2021) “The Making of a Portrait: An Exercise in Hybridity and in Looking Again”, In: Journal Passage, 1.
Arnavas, Francesca (2021). “History trapped into eternity: Kinesis and stasis in The Leopard“. Forum Italicum: A Journal of Italian Studies.
Arnavas, Francesca (2021). Lewis Carroll’s “Alice” and Cognitive Narratology: Author, Reader and Characters. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Tzouva, Pinelopi (2021) “Graphic Stories of Resistance: A Comic Memoir of Becoming”, In: Anneleen Masschelein, Florian Mussgnug, and Jennifer Rushworth (eds.), Mediating Vulnerability: Comparative Approaches and Questions of Genre, UCL Press.
Arnavas, Francesca (2021) “Alice in the Glassworld: Carroll’s Unconventional Fairy Tale Heroine Escaping the Frame”. Invited article: The Carrollian: The Lewis Carroll Journal, 35-36: 102-112.
Bellini, Mattia (2021). “Formal Organization and Complex Responses to Video Games Narratives”. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5. https://doi.org/10.1145/3474702.
Beltrami, Marzia (2021). Spatial Plots: Virtuality and the Embodied Mind in Baricco, Camilleri and Calvino. Oxford: Legenda.
Marie-Luise, Meier; Mattia, Bellini (2021). “Framing the Dilemma – The Influence of Immersion in Ethical Choice Making”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2934: 4th Workshop on Games-Human Interaction 2021; Bolzano, Italy, July 12th. CEUR-WS.
Kirey-Sitnikova, Yana, Böcker, Julia, Werner, Annie, Tzouva, Pinelopi and Clay, Simon (2021) “What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Queer Death? /4 Queering Death in the Medical and Health Humanities”, In: Whatever: A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies, 4, 615-644.
Klaassen, Oliver; Aranke, Sampada; Beckmann, Marie Sophie; Cooper, Ashton; Claus, Jakob; Getsy, David J.; Kargin, Fatma; Rand, Erica; Schorstein, Tillman; Sexon, Sophie; Simmons, William J.; Sorokin, Siim; Töpfer, Lukas (2021). “(Re-)Negotiating Ambiguity’s (Added) Value(lessness)”. On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture, 12 (2021). doi: 10.22029/oc.2021.1259.
Sorokin, Siim (2021). ““No theory holds together”: Suspicion, its Plotters, and the Patterns of Imaginative Reason in (Re-)Conceptualizing Digital Conspiracist Discourse“. Popular Inquiry: The Journal of the Aesthetics of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture [SI on Narrative Modes: Conspiracy Theories, Fake News, Post-Truths, New World Orders, Negation Theories and Infodemics], 8 (1), 55-75.
Sorokin, Siim (2021). “Karakteritega suhestumine, netimisogüünia ja representatsioonide materiaalsus: Mõttearendusi teleseriaali “Halvale teele” retseptsiooni ainetel“. Mäetagused, 80, 119−154.
Arnavas, Francesca (2020). “Cognitive Significance of Carrollian Mirrors: Creating and Re-Creating Alice’s Worlds”. The Carrollian: The Lewis Carroll Journal, 33.
Arnavas, Francesca (2020). “British and Irish Mermaids in Four Contemporary Fairy Tales: The Beauty of Hybridity”. Gramarye, 17 (Summer), 9-18.
Arnavas, Francesca (2020). “Little Nell in the Cyber Age.” Dickens After Dickens. In: Bell, Emily (Ed.). White Rose University Press. doi: https://doi.org/10.22599/DickensAfterDickens
Beltrami, Marzia (2020). “Too Strange for Reality, Too Real for Fairy Tales: Views from Cognitive and Unnatural Narratology on A.S. Byatt’s ‘A Stone Woman'”. Enthymema, 25, 250−263.
Beltrami, Marzia (2020). “I’m Not There and Bob Dylan as Blend: An Alternative to Narrative Identity”. Style, 54 (3), 313−333.
Grishakova, Marina and Massimo Fusillo, (eds.) (2020). The Gesamtkunstwerk as a Synergy of the Arts. Bruxelles-Bern-Berlin-New York-Oxford-Wien: Peter Lang.
Grishakova, Marina (2020). “The ‘myth of total cinema’: perceptual realism, digital artifice, and the cinematic imaginary”. In: Marina Grishakova and Massimo Fusillo, eds. The Gesamtkunstwerk as a Synthesis of Arts. Bruxelles-Bern-Berlin-New York-Oxford-Wien: Peter Lang: 77-90.
Dierckx, Chloé; Canoy, Nico; Schoffelen, Jessica; Anthoni, Ellen; Coemans, Sara; Hendricks, Lynn; van de Oudeweetering, Karmijn; Segers, Ruth; Tzouva, Pinelopi; Vrebos, Hanne and Hannes, Karin (2020) “From Bubbles to Foam, A Nomadic Interpretation of Collaborative Publishing: A Review of Jorge Lucero and Colleagues’ Article in Art Education”, In: Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 5: 1.
Ostups, Artis (2020). “‘The Scar Will Always Be There’: The Post-Soviet Melancholia in Gundega Repše’s Novel Conjuring Iron“. Interlitteraria, 25(2): 408-421.
Grishakova, Marina; Poulaki, Maria (eds.) (2019). Narrative Complexity: Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Grishakova, Marina (2019). “Interface Ontologies: On the possible, virtual, and hypothetical in fiction”. In: Ryan, Marie-Laure, and Alice Bell (eds). Possible Worlds Theory and Contemporary Narratology (88−109). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. (Frontiers of Narrative).
Grishakova, Marina (2019). “The Predictive Mind, Attention, and Cultural Evolution: A New Perspective on Narrative Dynamics”. In: Grishakova, M.; Poulaki, M. (eds). Narrative Complexity: Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution (367−390). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Grishakova, Marina (2019). “Realistlike ontoloogiate lekked: hübriidsus ja keerukus kultuurilistes ja esteetilistes süsteemides”. Altnurme, Riho (Toim.). Humanitaarteadused ja kunstid 100-aastases rahvusülikoolis (207−219). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
Grishakova, Marina; Gramigna, Remo; Sorokin, Siim (2019). “Imaginary scenarios: On the use and misuse of fiction”. Frontiers of Narrative Studies , 5 (1), 112−129.
Mäkelä, Hanna (2019). “Romaanin totuus ja kertomuksen retoriikka: René Girardin mimeettinen teoria narratologisen sisäistekijyyden näkökulmasta”. Kulttuurintutkimus, 36 (1), 31−43.
Männiste, Indrek (Ed.) (2019). D.H. Lawrence, Technology, and Modernity. New York, London, Oxford, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic.
Tomberg, Jaak; Männiste, Indrek; Laak, Marin; Labi, Kanni (eds) (2019). Kirjandus ja tehnika. Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica, 18 (23). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
Männiste, Indrek (2019). “Introduction”. In: Männiste, Indrek (Ed.). D.H. Lawrence, Technology, and Modernity (1−10). New York, London, Oxford, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic.
Männiste, Indrek (2019). Poetics of Technology: D.H. Lawrence and The Well-Tempered Counterpoint. In: Männiste, Indrek (Ed.). D.H. Lawrence, Technology, and Modernity (175−191). Bloomsbury Academic.
Männiste, Indrek (2019). “Kirjandus, kontrapunkt ja cantus technicus”. Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica, 18 (23), 74-92.
Tomberg, Jaak; Männiste, Indrek (2019). “Kirjandus tehnikaajastul / Literature in the Age of Technology”. Methis. Studia Humaniora Estonica, 18 (23), 6−32.
Sorokin, Siim (2019). “Paradoxical Everyday Imaginaries? Realitization, Narrative Persons and Common Sense Making in Digitally Communicated Engagement of Breaking Bad“. In: Voolaid, Piret; Babič, Saša (eds). Variation in folklore and literature (175−200). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Sorokin, Siim (2019). “Narrative Conspiracy Theorizing, Fluidity of Truth, and Social Media Storytelling in the Post-Truth Age“. Interstudia, 2019 (25), 68−81.
Grishakova, Marina (2018). “Multi-teller and multi-voiced stories: The poetics and politics of pronouns”. In: Gibbons, Alison, and Andrea Macrae (Ed.). Pronouns in Literature: Positions and Perspectives in Language (193−216). London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Grishakova, Marina (2018). “Structuralism and Semiotics”. In: Richter, David H. (Ed.). The Blackwell Companion to Literary Theory (48−59). Malden, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Grishakova, Marina (2018). “The abecedarian imagination: On dictionary structures in literature”. Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 1/2, 93−103.
Gramigna, Remo; Marling, Raili (2018). “Scenario as a tool for critical thinking: Climate change awareness and denial as a case study”. ESSACHESS. Journal for Communication Studies, 11 (2, 22), 67−84.